14:10:212020-06-17 14:16:23Tour in Israel with a private tour guideראשי-ירושלים-אפשרות-ג-Medium.jpg300400David 09:47:572020-05-31 15:53:17Jewish Heritage Tour 10:10:462020-06-02 15:48:33The Dead Sea 11:50:562020-06-02 11:08:54Tour to Beit El
Ancient Shiloh is the site where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years. During these years Shiloh was the capital of the Jewish people. In Shiloh, Joshua divided the inheritance to the tribes of Israel.מערת-המכפלה-1.jpg398600David 11:17:572020-06-02 12:46:44Cave of the Patriarchs (The Tomb of Machpelah)
The Jordan Valley Tour will begin with either an observation point overlooking the Jordan Valley, Mitzpe Yericho in the South, or the Hasmonean Sartaba fortress (Alexandrium) in the center of the Jordan Valley. 09:24:342020-06-02 13:08:07The Jordan Valley and the Kinneret
The prophet Jeremiah tells of the weeping voice of Rachel our mother when her sons are expelled from the land and her expectation of when the sons will return home.
Together with me and Jewish Israel tours, you are invited to visit Jewish settlement in the region and get to know the story first-hand as part of the best of Binyamin tour or as part of a geopolitical tour
Ein Prat or by its another name, Wadi Qelt is one of the most beautiful nature pearls in the Jerusalem area. it is a spring of gushing water, rising in a spectacularly beautiful desert canyon.
Ancient Shiloh is the site where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years. During these years Shiloh was the capital of the Jewish people. In Shiloh, Joshua divided the inheritance to the tribes of Israel. 08:08:452020-06-02 16:01:19Ancient Shiloh Valley
Psagot Winery is located near the Michmash crossing, the same place where the battle between Yonatan ben Shaul, king of Israel, and the Philistines took place.
This boutique winery is a winery with a soul. It’s a winery with a story.. There are a lot of wineries in Israel and around the world that produce millions of bottles a year
David, king of Israel is alive in the people of Israel. It is he who conquered Jerusalem and brought together the Israelites into a great and United Kingdom.
The center of the biblical Kingdom of Israel, a magical area that is hardly visited today.
In the Shomron we will meet with flourishing Jewish settlements, impressive ancient locations, boutique wineries producing some of the world’s best kosher wines, and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes. 13:08:222019-03-04 21:38:17The City of David
The Kotel is a remnant of the Second Temple. There is a Midrash that says the Shekhina does not move from the Western Wall. Maybe that’s why Jews and in the last few years many foreigners come to pray here. 10:56:502020-06-02 17:27:23The Western Wall (The Kotel)
From Gevaot Olam we will ride to Har Kabir and see Tirtzah, the capital of the biblical Kingdom of Israel and hear the story of King Avimelech who ruled over Shchem. We will continue to Har Gerizim and visit the Samaritan community,
The center of the biblical Kingdom of Israel, a magical area that is hardly visited today.
In the Shomron we will meet with flourishing Jewish settlements, impressive ancient locations, boutique wineries producing some of the world’s best kosher wines, and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.
It goes like this: Israel is a tiny country but so diverse in what it has to offer. If you go to the Seychelles, it is probably because of the beautiful beaches; if you go to Kenya, it is probably for a safari; if you choose to visit Austria, it is probably to see the Alps and enjoy the culture and architecture of Vienna. But if you decide to come to Israel, there are so many interesting things to see, therefore you should think about what you want to do and ask the advice of an experienced Israeli tour guide. 08:48:482019-03-04 13:30:34Where is it most recommended to tour in Israel?
What? Isn’t there one season better than others? Perhaps one is too cold or another too hot? What about security problems? So when is the really best time to tour Israel?
Israel is a small country with unique climatic characteristics. It is situated in an area with a temperate Mediterranean climate and unique topographical structure which make the country a suitable place to visit throughout the whole year.
The average temperature during the winter is approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and it doesn’t rain for much more than twenty days during the whole winter. Some areas such as the Jerusalem Hills, the Galil and the northern Golan Heights are a bit colder than others, but it doesn’t get extremely cold. Once every few years it may snow, and then the whole country gets excited about the white blanket covering some of the higher parts of Israel, 11:04:552019-03-04 13:32:27When is the best time to tour Israel?
The most important and most exciting sites in Jewish history: The Judean Hills – the heritage of the Tribe of Judah; Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron.
We will begin our tour at Kever Rachel, Rachel’s Tomb, located between Jerusalem Bethlehem. From there we will continue to picturesque Gush Etzion.הראתי.-תיירות-גוש-עציון_4153b-Custom.jpg500750riskin 09:16:012025-01-24 00:39:02Hevron and Gush Etzion private tour
Our tour of Jerusalem visits the most important sites of ancient Jerusalem, the City of David, Ir David, and Mount Zion. We enter the Old City through the Jaffa Gate, the historic gate through which most pilgrims entered to Jerusalem from the west.ראשי-ירושלים-אפשרות-א-Custom.jpg500750riskin 08:31:062020-06-02 17:10:45Jerusalem: The Old City & the City of David
Follow in the footsteps of the Jewish heroes who fought throughout the generations: King David in Tel Azekah, Shimshon (Samson(Between Tzora and Eshtaol and Bar Kokhba in the tunnels under ground.
The Galil is one of the most impressive areas in Israel. It is green and abounds with ruins of ancient Jewish sites, vantage points and graves, and stories of Jewish heritage from throughout the ages. 22:00:012019-12-19 07:26:33Tsfat and the Galilee Tour: Wisdom, Nature and Kabbala
The Golan Heights is the northernmost part of the State of Israel. This region was witness to battles during the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and to Jewish life during the times of the Mishna and the Talmud.
The tour will begin in Anatot, the birthplace of the prophet Jeremiah, today a flourishing Jewish community. The valley below the village is one of Israel’s most beautiful nature reserves, Nahal Prat. 11:39:102020-06-02 18:31:24The best of Benyamin
Leave your email address below and begin your adventure with me in Jewish Israel
Tour in Israel with a private tour guide
If you are already on a trip to Israel, hire a private guide and ensure yourself a memorable experience.
Ein Gedi
Day trip around Jerusalem
day trip around jerusalem
Jewish Heritage Tour
jewish heritage tours to israel
Kosher Wine
What should be done for a wine to be kosher?
The Dead Sea
the dead sea
Tour to Beit El
Beit El – the site where Abraham built an altar to God and called upon the Name of the Lord.
Cave of the Patriarchs (The Tomb of Machpelah)
Ancient Shiloh is the site where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years. During these years Shiloh was the capital of the Jewish people. In Shiloh, Joshua divided the inheritance to the tribes of Israel.
The Jordan Valley and the Kinneret
The Jordan Valley Tour will begin with either an observation point overlooking the Jordan Valley, Mitzpe Yericho in the South, or the Hasmonean Sartaba fortress (Alexandrium) in the center of the Jordan Valley.
Rachel’s Tomb (Kever Rachel)
The prophet Jeremiah tells of the weeping voice of Rachel our mother when her sons are expelled from the land and her expectation of when the sons will return home.
Israeli Settlements
Together with me and Jewish Israel tours, you are invited to visit Jewish settlement in the region and get to know the story first-hand as part of the best of Binyamin tour or as part of a geopolitical tour
Nahal Prat
Ein Prat or by its another name, Wadi Qelt is one of the most beautiful nature pearls in the Jerusalem area. it is a spring of gushing water, rising in a spectacularly beautiful desert canyon.
Ancient Shiloh Valley
Ancient Shiloh is the site where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years. During these years Shiloh was the capital of the Jewish people. In Shiloh, Joshua divided the inheritance to the tribes of Israel.
Psagot Winery
Psagot Winery is located near the Michmash crossing, the same place where the battle between Yonatan ben Shaul, king of Israel, and the Philistines took place.
Boutique Winery
This boutique winery is a winery with a soul. It’s a winery with a story.. There are a lot of wineries in Israel and around the world that produce millions of bottles a year
King David’s Tomb
David, king of Israel is alive in the people of Israel. It is he who conquered Jerusalem and brought together the Israelites into a great and United Kingdom.
The Jewish Quarter
The Jewish Quarter was the area in the Old City that the Jews were allowed to live under Muslim and British rule.
The City of David
The center of the biblical Kingdom of Israel, a magical area that is hardly visited today.
In the Shomron we will meet with flourishing Jewish settlements, impressive ancient locations, boutique wineries producing some of the world’s best kosher wines, and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.
The Western Wall (The Kotel)
The Kotel is a remnant of the Second Temple. There is a Midrash that says the Shekhina does not move from the Western Wall. Maybe that’s why Jews and in the last few years many foreigners come to pray here.
The Shomron (Samaria)
From Gevaot Olam we will ride to Har Kabir and see Tirtzah, the capital of the biblical Kingdom of Israel and hear the story of King Avimelech who ruled over Shchem. We will continue to Har Gerizim and visit the Samaritan community,
Kosher Wine Tours
The center of the biblical Kingdom of Israel, a magical area that is hardly visited today.
In the Shomron we will meet with flourishing Jewish settlements, impressive ancient locations, boutique wineries producing some of the world’s best kosher wines, and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.
Where is it most recommended to tour in Israel?
Where is it most recommended to tour in Israel?
In Israel…
No, really. Don’t you have a more direct answer?
It goes like this: Israel is a tiny country but so diverse in what it has to offer. If you go to the Seychelles, it is probably because of the beautiful beaches; if you go to Kenya, it is probably for a safari; if you choose to visit Austria, it is probably to see the Alps and enjoy the culture and architecture of Vienna. But if you decide to come to Israel, there are so many interesting things to see, therefore you should think about what you want to do and ask the advice of an experienced Israeli tour guide.
When is the best time to tour Israel?
When is the best time to tour Israel?
All the time.
Really? The whole time?
What? Isn’t there one season better than others? Perhaps one is too cold or another too hot? What about security problems? So when is the really best time to tour Israel?
Israel is a small country with unique climatic characteristics. It is situated in an area with a temperate Mediterranean climate and unique topographical structure which make the country a suitable place to visit throughout the whole year.
The average temperature during the winter is approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and it doesn’t rain for much more than twenty days during the whole winter. Some areas such as the Jerusalem Hills, the Galil and the northern Golan Heights are a bit colder than others, but it doesn’t get extremely cold. Once every few years it may snow, and then the whole country gets excited about the white blanket covering some of the higher parts of Israel,
Hevron and Gush Etzion private tour
The most important and most exciting sites in Jewish history: The Judean Hills – the heritage of the Tribe of Judah; Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron.
We will begin our tour at Kever Rachel, Rachel’s Tomb, located between Jerusalem Bethlehem. From there we will continue to picturesque Gush Etzion.
Jerusalem: The Old City & the City of David
Our tour of Jerusalem visits the most important sites of ancient Jerusalem, the City of David, Ir David, and Mount Zion. We enter the Old City through the Jaffa Gate, the historic gate through which most pilgrims entered to Jerusalem from the west.
The Judean Foothills
Follow in the footsteps of the Jewish heroes who fought throughout the generations: King David in Tel Azekah, Shimshon (Samson(Between Tzora and Eshtaol and Bar Kokhba in the tunnels under ground.
Tsfat and the Galilee Tour: Wisdom, Nature and Kabbala
The Galil is one of the most impressive areas in Israel. It is green and abounds with ruins of ancient Jewish sites, vantage points and graves, and stories of Jewish heritage from throughout the ages.
The Golan Heights: Landscapes and Battles
The Golan Heights is the northernmost part of the State of Israel. This region was witness to battles during the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and to Jewish life during the times of the Mishna and the Talmud.
The best of Benyamin
The tour will begin in Anatot, the birthplace of the prophet Jeremiah, today a flourishing Jewish community. The valley below the village is one of Israel’s most beautiful nature reserves, Nahal Prat.