Kosher Wine
What should be done for a wine to be kosher? That there would be no pork in it? That there would be no flesh and milk?
Kosher wine is wine that is no fear of idolatry with it!!!!
Every Gentile as soon as he touches wine produces a fear that he intends to praise, to say cheers to his God. And therefore the wine becomes non-kosher for a Jew who observes Torah and mitzvot.
So what do we do to make the wine kosher?
The first option, which is customary in most places outside of Israel, is to boil the wine. A wine that is boiled is not worthy of the altar and therefore is not worthy of idolatry. The problem is that wine also loses its quality and becomes doubtfully worthy of a person, certainly one who loves and understands wines.
The second possibility is that everyone who deals with wine from the moment the juice begins to flow from the grape until the moment the wine comes in a bottle behind two seals is a Jew who observes Torah and mitzvot.
But where do you find a Jewish labor force that observes the Torah and mitzvot that can ensure that the wine is strictly kosher?
An answer to this you will get on Kosher Wine Tour with Jewish Israel tours
For more related information, view our Kosher Wine Tours.